

I have been learning guitar and music theory since I was 7, and I do believe that I have a pretty solid music theory knowledge base. I have also learned bass for a few years. I have attended Computer Assisted Music lessons for 2 years, and I am very familiar with Ableton Live.



  • Yamaha APX500 II
  • Cort G254
  • Ibanez JemJR
  • Ibanez TMB30

Amps / Pedals

  • Fender Mustang I
  • Zoom G1X Four


EMC Orchestra

My first band was the music school orchestra, where I have played bass until june 2022.


The name isn't actually official, but it's the one we gave for a concert we never participated in. I met the band members in high school, seeing that they didn't have a bass player (which is sad for a rock/metal band). They integrated me as I suggested joining the band as the bass player at the beginning of april 2022. We used to play once a week, until june 2022. Seeing that they were no longer having fun playing together, they decided to disband.

The Running Gags

At the end of summer 2022, I started looking for a group closer to my student appartment. This is how I met The Running Gags. They decided to take me immediately at the end of the test rehearsal, and guess what, we're still playing together today! We had our first gig on june 17, 2023.

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Compositions & productions

When the inspiration comes, I take notes on a piece of paper, then end up writing it on Guitar Pro. I'd like to switch to MuseScore, mainly because it's a free software, but I find it very unintuitive. Ultimately, when I'm done composing, I record everything through Ableton, and finish with the mix.
I have done a few productions, but the one I've worked the most on is a second semester project OST.
You can find most of my productions on SoundCloud
